Let’s get a couple things straight about this picture before I dive into the usual sarcastic ranting. First, have a close look and you will see that this man is not attached in any way to the building; just some good ole fashioned free climbing. Second, notice how high he is compared to the skyline. That’s because Alain Robert only climbs the highest buildings in the city.
In his lifetime, which will no doubt fall a bit below the average life span, Alain has climbed over 70 skyscrapers and monuments…WITH ONLY HIS BARE HANDS!! That’s right, no ropes or safety equipment whatsoever! Some notable mentions include the Sears Tower, Petronas Twin Towers and, to a group of 100,000 spectators, the National Bank of Adu Dhabi. Some people are missing various inhibitory mechanisms in their brain…others are just missing their brain entirely. Next time you are criticized for doing something “dangerous” or “crazy”, just remind your critic what “crazy” truly is.
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